Friday, October 19, 2012

Admitting Defeat/Looking Forward

Sorry for the lack of pictures and the shortness of the post. Sometimes, a man needs to admit when he's defeated, and I admit now, I'm defeated. For now, I'll need to pull back my postings and keep it to 1 post a week, which will either be Monday or Wednesday, but most likely Monday.

Missing the blog post on Wednesday made me realize that I was trying to churn out too much stuff on a weekly basis, which was starting to hurt the overall quality of the posts, and I don't want that. Plus, I've been starting a side project of mine, which is working on a novel about super heroes. Why not? I'm pretty excited about it, as I've gotten to page... ten. ...sigh. But it's something I'd like to work more on!

In addition to that, the big thing in my future is MARRIAGE! My fiancee and I have been preparing for things, which is all very exciting.

So, basically what I'm saying is that I'll be pulling back the posts on this blog to be once a week instead of three times in an effort to up the quality of the posts and also to maintain my own sanity while preparing for marriage and working on some other things. I still have a list of ideas that everyone wanted to see, and I promise I'll do my best to make posts about as many of them that I (legally) can!


  1. Congratulations on the impending marriage! Anything you can do to save your mutual sanity is a good thing. (This is why the husband and I eloped!)

  2. Congrats on mawwiage! And writing! Very curious to see what unfolds in that! Given the stuff you've written in CoH, it promises to be pretty awesome!
