Sunday, November 25, 2012

Examining Horror in Video Games

So, I had started to write a post about my own thoughts on horror in video games. I was going to cite my experiences in playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent, as a great example of horror. Then, I remembered that the developers had written a lot themselves about horror! I started looking for something that they had posted and came across a terrific blog post by Frictional Games  co-founder Thomas Grip about horror in games. Instead of writing my own thing, having never worked on a horror game, I'm just going to link to the blog post and do a, "what he said".

This short blog post is also brought to you by me having to handle a lot of things and also having written another blog post entirely before this and not being terribly happy with it. For those curious, it was a blog post about how I should have written the Roy Cooling arc in City of Heroes. The answer was that I needed more than an hour to think of it, because every time I came up with a re-write, I had another idea to fix that re-write. Such is the life of a person who tries to think of himself as a writer! 

So, long and short, sorry for a short post! I'm hoping that by next week I will have an idea for Roy Cooling. Or, I might post about my theory of a proper way to write time travel. Who knows?


  1. Actually, I'd love to read about the Roy Cooling story. That was one I played quite a lot with my characters when I could, as I thought the story was very well written. I'm very interested to know what you didn't think worked with it!

    1. Well, I'll make sure the next one talks about that! I'll dwell over the story more during the week so it's a good post.
